Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Big Boy Bed

So a couple of days ago, we decided it was time to make the leap. Silas has been sleeping quite happily in his crib but...he's two and a half, and a big boy for his age. The crib has been becoming confining and small.
I fought against it for a while and for a few reasons. First being that the crib was just so darned convenient! When he got up in the morning, he couldn't wander the house and destroy things. He was confined to his bed. He didn't seem to mind in the least either. Not even an attempt to climb out.
My other reason is that he's my BABY! Every other time that I've taken down the crib it didn't bother me much because I had another baby that would need it soon or there was one on the way. This time the crib actually left my house. We're donating it to a church yard sale. It just seems so final.
So what did Silas think of his new bed?

Chillin' on the new bed with his cell phone

He seemed pretty happy with it. He wanted his Spiderman blanket on it right away, and ran off to get Turtle and Pooh to sit on it. He played on the bed for the better part of the afternoon.

At bedtime he was a little less sure. He wasn't so happy about being tucked into this foreign bar-less bed. He missed his crib. He cried a little. But one "Time for School, Mouse!" story and lots of hugs and kisses later and he was all ready to say goodnight.

Ahhhhhh all tucked in and cosy!

We went in a while later to check on him, make sure he was okay and still sleeping comfortably...

Just...stopping here for a breather on my way out...

Yes...he somehow ended up on the Cars sofa next to his bed. We tucked him back in and kissed him goodnight once more with no fuss...but he was here again in the morning.

Hopefully he'll get used to the bed soon...I'm still not used to being without a crib...

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